Another Monday starts my week.
Iron my husband’s dress shirt.
Breakfast for my boys.
Roast in the crockpot.
See my husband off to work.
“Yes, you can play xbox with your friends who have a snow day.”
Math and spelling for one. (We homeschool.)
Math and Reading Eggs for another.
Listen to a recorded interview clip as I start working on a freelance story.
Check the swim website for the pysch sheet.
Shovel the driveway with the boys.
Send the boys outside to play in the snow.
Make hot chocolate.
Take on a pile of baseball-related paperwork. (I volunteer).
Send this email.
Hand off a pile of paperwork to a fellow volunteer who stops by my house.
Send that email.
Check the swim website for the pysch sheet. (It still isn’t up!)
Time to make lunch.
And this is just a slice of my morning!
I’m taking part in a monthly blogging challenge through Two Writing Teachers.
Make sure to let me know if my boys need to stop distracting yours!
Nope. The distraction is completely fine. They get so excited when their friends are online when they are home. 🙂 Plus, Kory came up at one point and said, “I’m going to do school now because they had to go but will be back later.”
What a morning! I would need to keep the coffee flowing.
Coffee is a necessity here!
Such a busy Monday morning. Makes a detailed list poem. I learned about you from the morning slice.