Every summer I try to create a little end-of-the-school-year blog post. As a virtual school/homeschool family, it can be hard to see the “positives” day in and day out. The end of the school year posts are my way of reminding myself and my son of how far he came in the previous school year.
Kory had to fill out a little form to share with his online class for their last session. Here are his responses.
– What I learned that I didn’t know before: Vikings flick fleas out of their beards to go North.
– Favorite part of his online classes in Elluminate : Writing on the whiteboard. Can I say I LOVE watching my son maneuver his way around his online classes. I can only imagine where his technical astuteness will take him!
– One thing he would share: We participated in a monthly homeschool art class at our local library. The theme one month was Faith Ringgold’s Tar Beach. Here is Kory’s version of it. His is titled “Candylane.”

– Name at least one thing you hope to learn about next year: How do people make video games.
Kory has said the silliest things this year and the deepest this past year. Some I wrote down. Some I didn’t. I have watched him struggle with reading and begging to stop after only a couple paragraphs. I have watched him endure hours of vision therapy sessions (makes great health time credit) and vision therapy homework sessions. I have watched his reading transform into “Can I take this book into the office with me?” “Can I take this book in the van to read?” “Can I get another book?” “Can I read before I go to bed?”
As I reflect on the year, I think of how I will remember second grade.
I will remember a silly boy, a serious boy, a tired boy, and active boy. Baseball, gymnastics, and swimming – yes some times they all overlapped on the same day. And yes, I will plan better next year. I will remember a boy who tried new things like piano lessons and sitting at orchestra concerts. I will remember a boy who drove me crazy when he didn’t focus. I will remember a boy who tried his hardest and never gave up. I will remember a boy who was so very flexible when schedules and available programs changed. I will remember a boy who cheered when he started his weekly homeschool co-op fall and spring sessions. Best. Homeschool. Decision. Ever! I will remember a boy who was sad when co-op ended for the school year. I will remember a boy who has gone on so many field trips, waited in so many lines and learned in so many “real life” situations.
I will remember that he is only finishing second grade. He has so much in front of him.
I will remember that I’m so grateful to be a part of his daily learning because sometimes, sometimes he becomes my teacher.

I’m posting every Tuesday as part of the weekly Slice of Life over at Two Writing Teachers.