I was supposed to teach my son about poetry. The lesson plan had the poems to use. I glanced at them and thought they looked boring. If you are new to my blog, you may have missed an earlier blog post of mine. Basically, I don’t like poetry, much. I’m getting better at that though.
Instead of using the “boring” poems from the lesson, I decided to use my real-life friend, Maria’s poems. She has been writing some great ones this past month. I thought if I used poems by someone my son knows, he (and I) might enjoy the poetry even more.
Instead, my son surprised me. I didn’t teach from the poems in the lessons. I didn’t teach from Maria’s poems; although, we will glance at her poems later today. My son, instead, taught me about poems.
“Mommy, Can you listen to my story?” he asked me as I was cleaning up the kitchen between lessons.
“Sure. Tell me your story,” I said while I wiped down the counter.
And that is when he went off with a poem. Creating one line at a time. A cow. A moon. He giggled while sharing his words with me.
“Kory,I really like that, but is it a story or a poem?”
“A poem, mommy.”
Here is Kory’s poem – as he told it to me a second time. It is a bit different from the first original piece that he shared with me, but it is close to the original. It’s all Kory.
The cow jumped over the moon (that is the title, mommy)
I saw a cow jump over the moon.
I hope it’s not a hound.
I hope I’m not a clown.
I wonder what I would feel like if I was a cow.
I watched the cow jump over the moon.
I bring out my bucket and I go under the moon.
And I think the cow will squirt milk into this bucket.
But instead he put rocks in my bucket.
I looked at the cow and he said moo.
I wonder how he can jump that high.
I always wonder that whenever daddy throws me in the water.
And I wonder what I would be like if I was a cow.
What would you feel like?
Here is Kory’s drawing to go with his poem. I’ll also be sharing your comments with my son.

I’m posting every Tuesday as part of the weekly Slice of Life over at Two Writing Teachers