Today I’m focusing on my son’s books for my It’s Monday – What are you reading post, which is hosted weekly by Teach Mentor Texts.
As a little background, my son just finished second grade and has struggled with reading. He has been in vision therapy for the past few months with three more months to go through the remaining sessions. You can read about the specifics on his reading and vision therapy on an earlier blog post: Vision Therapy.
We are half way through his recommended vision therapy sessions, and I’m noticing huge improvements this past week. And thanks to my real-life friend, Maria, for continually recommending books of possible interest. This week we found a match. His interests met the joy of reading! Instead of begging to take a sketch pad or a gaming system with him in the road, it is now, “Mommy, can I take my book?” My son, who has struggled with reading, is now reading on his own. In the car. In waiting rooms. On drives with friends. BOOKS! He actually is reading BOOKS!
I am so proud of him and so thankful for the books he has read this past week. I’ve been having him write the names and titles of his books, so he can work further on his handwriting, which has significantly improved with his vision therapy sessions.
So here is his list for the week!