Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my youngest today. He turns four.

Oh the memories of those first few days of his life. The memories he has helped me create since then. And today on his birthday, we will make more memories.

We are getting our “mud boots” ready to search for tadpoles and frogs with my real-life friend Pamela.

Later this evening, we will celebrate as a family by going bowling.

Today, we celebrate Cade with frogs and bowling balls.

I love you Cade, and happy birthday!

I’m posting every Tuesday as part of the weekly Slice of Life over at Two Writing Teachers

5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday

  1. Maria says:

    I agree with Ruth… mud and heavy objects being tossed across a room sounds ideal for a four year old 🙂

  2. What a loving celebration of your son’s fourth birthday. I hope you were able to find some tadpoles and frogs. I hope you remembered to take pictures. These are the moments that are priceless and we forget all too soon without a visual or written memory.

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